Daily Fortune Chinese Zodiac – Aug 1 2022(Mon.)

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By 김미현

Chinese Zodiac 12 Animals

Today’s free daily Horoscope Aug 1 2022(Mon.).
Find your Zodiac Sign listed below and check your fortune of the day.

The Chinese zodiac is popular in many Asian counturies. It consists of 12 animals based on the lunar calendar where each animal represents each year in a repeating twelve-year cycle.
Find your Chinese Zodiac Sign listed below and check your fortune of the day

Rat (48, 60, 72, 84, 96)


Rat Fortune Summary

The things that are based on powerful charisma will be successfully finished and will feel a great sense of accomplishment.If you feel like this, you will be in harmony with any suffering and difficulties.

Rat Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1948 Even if you feel jealousy, you should take a casual attitude.
1960 If you do your best, you should be satisfied with it.
1972 Pay unnecessary promise and return home early.
1984 If you leave your work to others, you cannot achieve what you want, so do it with your own abilities.
1996 It’s easy to just go over.Difficulties are expected.

Ox (49, 61, 73, 85, 97)


Ox Fortune Summary

Everything is not going to go, but not so bad.Check and act carefully once more.If you don’t think it’s smooth, it’s not bad to take a break for a while.It is also a good idea to spend time with an acquaintance or family.

Ox Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1949 Even if you feel jealousy, you should take a casual attitude.
1961 If you do your best, you should be satisfied with it.
1973 Pay unnecessary promise and return home early.
1985 If you leave your work to others, you cannot achieve what you want, so do it with your own abilities.
1997 It’s easy to just go over.Difficulties are expected.

Tiger (50, 62, 74, 86, 98)


Tiger Fortune Summary

Everything starts with a small one.The small plan is not small, so it will be necessary first to practice to realize the dream.Let’s practice one small one first.

Tiger Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1950 Even if you feel jealousy, you should take a casual attitude.
1962 If you do your best, you should be satisfied with it.
1974 Pay unnecessary promise and return home early.
1986 If you leave your work to others, you cannot achieve what you want, so do it with your own abilities.
1998 It’s easy to just go over.Difficulties are expected.

Rabbit (51, 63, 75, 87, 99)


Rabbit Fortune Summary

Acknowledge the mistake.If you insist until the end, you will be anger around you.In addition, excessive pride is a way of not rational decisions.Think once more.

Rabbit Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1951 Even if you feel jealousy, you should take a casual attitude.
1963 If you do your best, you should be satisfied with it.
1975 Pay unnecessary promise and return home early.
1987 If you leave your work to others, you cannot achieve what you want, so do it with your own abilities.
1999 It’s easy to just go over.Difficulties are expected.

Dragon (52, 64, 76, 88, 00)


Dragon Fortune Summary

It is necessary to confirm once again whether there is nothing leaking in the unconscious.If it’s not a necessary decision, it’s good to put off for a while.It’s not a big concern because it’s always something that can happen to anyone.

Dragon Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1952 Even if you feel jealousy, you should take a casual attitude.
1964 If you do your best, you should be satisfied with it.
1976 Pay unnecessary promise and return home early.
1988 If you leave your work to others, you cannot achieve what you want, so do it with your own abilities.
2000 It’s easy to just go over.Difficulties are expected.

Snake (53, 65, 77, 89, 01)


Snake Fortune Summary

Execute excessive expenditure is not good, but you think it is necessary.This can also be a way to relieve stress.Do not leave regret.

Snake Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1953 Even if you feel jealousy, you should take a casual attitude.
1965 If you do your best, you should be satisfied with it.
1977 Pay unnecessary promise and return home early.
1989 If you leave your work to others, you cannot achieve what you want, so do it with your own abilities.
2001 It’s easy to just go over.Difficulties are expected.

Horse (54, 66, 78, 90, 02)


Horse Fortune Summary

It’s a pity that I missed a good opportunity, but the opportunity comes again.There is no need to be discouraged.When you have a really good opportunity, look a little more careful and try to do more with confidence.

Horse Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1954 Even if you feel jealousy, you should take a casual attitude.
1966 If you do your best, you should be satisfied with it.
1978 Pay unnecessary promise and return home early.
1990 If you leave your work to others, you cannot achieve what you want, so do it with your own abilities.
2002 It’s easy to just go over.Difficulties are expected.

Goat (55, 67, 79, 91, 03)


Goat Fortune Summary

Have a relaxed heart.A hasty heart will be a source of ruining work.Have a chance to look around with a wide field of view with the idea of taking a rest.

Goat Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1955 Even if you feel jealousy, you should take a casual attitude.
1967 If you do your best, you should be satisfied with it.
1979 Pay unnecessary promise and return home early.
1991 If you leave your work to others, you cannot achieve what you want, so do it with your own abilities.
2003 It’s easy to just go over.Difficulties are expected.

Monkey (56, 68, 80, 92, 04)


Monkey Fortune Summary

It’s yours to take good luck, so do your best.You can give up with difficulties, so it’s a good idea to talk with friends who can give you a sincere advice.

Monkey Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1956 Even if you feel jealousy, you should take a casual attitude.
1968 If you do your best, you should be satisfied with it.
1980 Pay unnecessary promise and return home early.
1992 If you leave your work to others, you cannot achieve what you want, so do it with your own abilities.
2004 It’s easy to just go over.Difficulties are expected.

Rooster (57, 69, 81, 93, 05)


Rooster Fortune Summary

There are those who help my difficulties in the water.It will be greatly comforting, and it will be the result of interpersonal relationships.Thank you for saying thank you.

Rooster Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1957 Even if you feel jealousy, you should take a casual attitude.
1969 If you do your best, you should be satisfied with it.
1981 Pay unnecessary promise and return home early.
1993 If you leave your work to others, you cannot achieve what you want, so do it with your own abilities.
2005 It’s easy to just go over.Difficulties are expected.

Dog (58, 70, 82, 94, 06)


Dog Fortune Summary

The current crisis can be avoided, but it must still be self -help because of greater trials.Efforts are needed more than ever.You will have to hurt your wisely.

Dog Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1958 Even if you feel jealousy, you should take a casual attitude.
1970 If you do your best, you should be satisfied with it.
1982 Pay unnecessary promise and return home early.
1994 If you leave your work to others, you cannot achieve what you want, so do it with your own abilities.
2006 It’s easy to just go over.Difficulties are expected.

Pig (59, 71, 83, 95, 07)


Pig Fortune Summary

Meeting is good.Try to meet new people or to maintain a friendly relationship with people around you.Knowing many people will be rich in human assets and strength.

Pig Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1959 Even if you feel jealousy, you should take a casual attitude.
1971 If you do your best, you should be satisfied with it.
1983 Pay unnecessary promise and return home early.
1995 If you leave your work to others, you cannot achieve what you want, so do it with your own abilities.
2007 It’s easy to just go over.Difficulties are expected.