Daily Fortune Chinese Zodiac – Sep 15 2022(Thu.)

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By 김미현

Chinese Zodiac 12 Animals

Today’s free daily Horoscope Sep 15 2022(Thu.).
Find your Zodiac Sign listed below and check your fortune of the day.

The Chinese zodiac is popular in many Asian counturies. It consists of 12 animals based on the lunar calendar where each animal represents each year in a repeating twelve-year cycle.
Find your Chinese Zodiac Sign listed below and check your fortune of the day

Rat (48, 60, 72, 84, 96)


Rat Fortune Summary

The words once talked about are not easy to reverse.It is also the cause of misunderstanding.Careful attention is needed to avoid making problems with trivial mistakes.In particular, the evaluation of the other person should be restrained and positive.

Rat Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1948 You will receive a difficult offer to refuse, resulting in a conflict of mind.
1960 It is not easy to find a solution because they want to understand each other alone.
1972 It is necessary to wait for the opponent to open until it opens.
1984 The wrong thoughts and thrills that were not planned lead the work unexpectedly in a good direction.
1996 Don’t be discouraged by the difficulties of a while.It will be hard, but in the end it is.

Ox (49, 61, 73, 85, 97)


Ox Fortune Summary

Sitting still does not solve it.In this case, you should try new things with more detailed plans and more efforts.

Ox Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1949 You will receive a difficult offer to refuse, resulting in a conflict of mind.
1961 It is not easy to find a solution because they want to understand each other alone.
1973 It is necessary to wait for the opponent to open until it opens.
1985 The wrong thoughts and thrills that were not planned lead the work unexpectedly in a good direction.
1997 Don’t be discouraged by the difficulties of a while.It will be hard, but in the end it is.

Tiger (50, 62, 74, 86, 98)


Tiger Fortune Summary

How long will it be difficult?Don’t shake.It is important to think that you can overcome this trial.It would be safe to unfold and act on your own thoughts.Have confidence.

Tiger Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1950 You will receive a difficult offer to refuse, resulting in a conflict of mind.
1962 It is not easy to find a solution because they want to understand each other alone.
1974 It is necessary to wait for the opponent to open until it opens.
1986 The wrong thoughts and thrills that were not planned lead the work unexpectedly in a good direction.
1998 Don’t be discouraged by the difficulties of a while.It will be hard, but in the end it is.

Rabbit (51, 63, 75, 87, 99)


Rabbit Fortune Summary

I am involved in various things, so I naturally work and have a lot of problems.Attention and small consideration are distributed into many, so it is a natural result to follow the disability.

Rabbit Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1951 You will receive a difficult offer to refuse, resulting in a conflict of mind.
1963 It is not easy to find a solution because they want to understand each other alone.
1975 It is necessary to wait for the opponent to open until it opens.
1987 The wrong thoughts and thrills that were not planned lead the work unexpectedly in a good direction.
1999 Don’t be discouraged by the difficulties of a while.It will be hard, but in the end it is.

Dragon (52, 64, 76, 88, 00)


Dragon Fortune Summary

This is an opportunity now.Don’t miss it.The opportunity is not always coming.If you use a hundred minutes of your current opportunity, you can get more than you have tried.Instead, the trick is forbidden.

Dragon Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1952 You will receive a difficult offer to refuse, resulting in a conflict of mind.
1964 It is not easy to find a solution because they want to understand each other alone.
1976 It is necessary to wait for the opponent to open until it opens.
1988 The wrong thoughts and thrills that were not planned lead the work unexpectedly in a good direction.
2000 Don’t be discouraged by the difficulties of a while.It will be hard, but in the end it is.

Snake (53, 65, 77, 89, 01)


Snake Fortune Summary

There is a reward for effort.It will never be a small reward, so you can lose your greed.Take enough rest for your body and mind.

Snake Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1953 You will receive a difficult offer to refuse, resulting in a conflict of mind.
1965 It is not easy to find a solution because they want to understand each other alone.
1977 It is necessary to wait for the opponent to open until it opens.
1989 The wrong thoughts and thrills that were not planned lead the work unexpectedly in a good direction.
2001 Don’t be discouraged by the difficulties of a while.It will be hard, but in the end it is.

Horse (54, 66, 78, 90, 02)


Horse Fortune Summary

I feel good because I can make a big fruit with a small effort.If you think and act greatly, you can get better results, so challenge with confidence will be the foundation of success.

Horse Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1954 You will receive a difficult offer to refuse, resulting in a conflict of mind.
1966 It is not easy to find a solution because they want to understand each other alone.
1978 It is necessary to wait for the opponent to open until it opens.
1990 The wrong thoughts and thrills that were not planned lead the work unexpectedly in a good direction.
2002 Don’t be discouraged by the difficulties of a while.It will be hard, but in the end it is.

Goat (55, 67, 79, 91, 03)


Goat Fortune Summary

It is a difficult time with no help or a place to help.Although struggling, it can be less than effort.Isn’t it all good every day?Take a look at me.

Goat Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1955 You will receive a difficult offer to refuse, resulting in a conflict of mind.
1967 It is not easy to find a solution because they want to understand each other alone.
1979 It is necessary to wait for the opponent to open until it opens.
1991 The wrong thoughts and thrills that were not planned lead the work unexpectedly in a good direction.
2003 Don’t be discouraged by the difficulties of a while.It will be hard, but in the end it is.

Monkey (56, 68, 80, 92, 04)


Monkey Fortune Summary

You will see a new hope.It was difficult.But not now.Money luck will also be good and new ties will be created.I hope you go slowly with a relaxed mind.

Monkey Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1956 You will receive a difficult offer to refuse, resulting in a conflict of mind.
1968 It is not easy to find a solution because they want to understand each other alone.
1980 It is necessary to wait for the opponent to open until it opens.
1992 The wrong thoughts and thrills that were not planned lead the work unexpectedly in a good direction.
2004 Don’t be discouraged by the difficulties of a while.It will be hard, but in the end it is.

Rooster (57, 69, 81, 93, 05)


Rooster Fortune Summary

It is the best time to plan a trip.If you have a place in mind, don’t delay it.Think of it once you take a break.

Rooster Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1957 You will receive a difficult offer to refuse, resulting in a conflict of mind.
1969 It is not easy to find a solution because they want to understand each other alone.
1981 It is necessary to wait for the opponent to open until it opens.
1993 The wrong thoughts and thrills that were not planned lead the work unexpectedly in a good direction.
2005 Don’t be discouraged by the difficulties of a while.It will be hard, but in the end it is.

Dog (58, 70, 82, 94, 06)


Dog Fortune Summary

The world is not what can be solved by money.In an unexpected crisis, it would be better to open and act rather than material.There may be a lust, but don’t lose your initials.

Dog Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1958 You will receive a difficult offer to refuse, resulting in a conflict of mind.
1970 It is not easy to find a solution because they want to understand each other alone.
1982 It is necessary to wait for the opponent to open until it opens.
1994 The wrong thoughts and thrills that were not planned lead the work unexpectedly in a good direction.
2006 Don’t be discouraged by the difficulties of a while.It will be hard, but in the end it is.

Pig (59, 71, 83, 95, 07)


Pig Fortune Summary

It may be mentally difficult due to work, so it is good to prepare in advance.It is advantageous to make the most of the middle break time, and most of all, it is better not to think with a leisurely mind.

Pig Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1959 You will receive a difficult offer to refuse, resulting in a conflict of mind.
1971 It is not easy to find a solution because they want to understand each other alone.
1983 It is necessary to wait for the opponent to open until it opens.
1995 The wrong thoughts and thrills that were not planned lead the work unexpectedly in a good direction.
2007 Don’t be discouraged by the difficulties of a while.It will be hard, but in the end it is.