Daily Fortune Chinese Zodiac – Apr 1 2022(Fri.)

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By 김미현

Chinese Zodiac 12 Animals

Today’s free daily Horoscope Apr 1 2022(Fri.).
Find your Zodiac Sign listed below and check your fortune of the day.

The Chinese zodiac is popular in many Asian counturies. It consists of 12 animals based on the lunar calendar where each animal represents each year in a repeating twelve-year cycle.
Find your Chinese Zodiac Sign listed below and check your fortune of the day

Rat (48, 60, 72, 84, 96)


Rat Fortune Summary

A word said that a word was paying off the light.It will be noted that there is no job to do.I am not a good time, but I will take care of it.

Rat Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1948 Suddenly, there may be a damages or lost due to the situation.
1960 If you are not sure that you are watching by the side, confess your courage.
1972 The help of people around me play a great role in achieving what they want.
1984 Condition is not good.I hope that you do not go away or not much around.
1996 Before you turn on yourself, you have to turn yourself first.

Ox (49, 61, 73, 85, 97)


Ox Fortune Summary

Do not be dedicated to the benefit before your eyes.Regret is regret.If you need to decide what to do, you will need more carefully careful attention, and you need an eye to see the future.

Ox Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1949 Suddenly, there may be a damages or lost due to the situation.
1961 If you are not sure that you are watching by the side, confess your courage.
1973 The help of people around me play a great role in achieving what they want.
1985 Condition is not good.I hope that you do not go away or not much around.
1997 Before you turn on yourself, you have to turn yourself first.

Tiger (50, 62, 74, 86, 98)


Tiger Fortune Summary

It is smooth.Good results are expected.Promote as long as full of motivation and skills are allowed.It’s time for a while to see you a greed once, and it’s a good performance.

Tiger Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1950 Suddenly, there may be a damages or lost due to the situation.
1962 If you are not sure that you are watching by the side, confess your courage.
1974 The help of people around me play a great role in achieving what they want.
1986 Condition is not good.I hope that you do not go away or not much around.
1998 Before you turn on yourself, you have to turn yourself first.

Rabbit (51, 63, 75, 87, 99)


Rabbit Fortune Summary

It is natural that you have to do our best whatever.It will be a shameful thing for itself to say that it does not do our best, and that the result is bad.Promote things that thought without hesitation.

Rabbit Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1951 Suddenly, there may be a damages or lost due to the situation.
1963 If you are not sure that you are watching by the side, confess your courage.
1975 The help of people around me play a great role in achieving what they want.
1987 Condition is not good.I hope that you do not go away or not much around.
1999 Before you turn on yourself, you have to turn yourself first.

Dragon (52, 64, 76, 88, 00)


Dragon Fortune Summary

How good is it if there is something to be done in itself?Be rather than waiting for anyone, move and act.As long as you try to get as much as you try.

Dragon Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1952 Suddenly, there may be a damages or lost due to the situation.
1964 If you are not sure that you are watching by the side, confess your courage.
1976 The help of people around me play a great role in achieving what they want.
1988 Condition is not good.I hope that you do not go away or not much around.
2000 Before you turn on yourself, you have to turn yourself first.

Snake (53, 65, 77, 89, 01)


Snake Fortune Summary

The heart is sick and conflicts.There are a lot of pounding of the surroundings, so it is hard to catch the mind, but judge that his thoughts are right and act.

Snake Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1953 Suddenly, there may be a damages or lost due to the situation.
1965 If you are not sure that you are watching by the side, confess your courage.
1977 The help of people around me play a great role in achieving what they want.
1989 Condition is not good.I hope that you do not go away or not much around.
2001 Before you turn on yourself, you have to turn yourself first.

Horse (54, 66, 78, 90, 02)


Horse Fortune Summary

The situation is difficult due to unexpected reverse.The latter time, the more we will be able to confronted, and make sure you have one.Above all, I will have to make sure that my heart is not shaken.

Horse Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1954 Suddenly, there may be a damages or lost due to the situation.
1966 If you are not sure that you are watching by the side, confess your courage.
1978 The help of people around me play a great role in achieving what they want.
1990 Condition is not good.I hope that you do not go away or not much around.
2002 Before you turn on yourself, you have to turn yourself first.

Goat (55, 67, 79, 91, 03)


Goat Fortune Summary

Everything is on the job.Writing is that patience is written and the fruit is lit,Take the best to the end to overcome the difficulty of now.

Goat Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1955 Suddenly, there may be a damages or lost due to the situation.
1967 If you are not sure that you are watching by the side, confess your courage.
1979 The help of people around me play a great role in achieving what they want.
1991 Condition is not good.I hope that you do not go away or not much around.
2003 Before you turn on yourself, you have to turn yourself first.

Monkey (56, 68, 80, 92, 04)


Monkey Fortune Summary

Work is promoted in a situation where around the environment is not good.However, it is not necessary to be frustrated.I have to push it.A persistent challenge will not be mighting because it will not have a fruit.

Monkey Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1956 Suddenly, there may be a damages or lost due to the situation.
1968 If you are not sure that you are watching by the side, confess your courage.
1980 The help of people around me play a great role in achieving what they want.
1992 Condition is not good.I hope that you do not go away or not much around.
2004 Before you turn on yourself, you have to turn yourself first.

Rooster (57, 69, 81, 93, 05)


Rooster Fortune Summary

No way to get.There is also losing if you get to get.You should make it possible to judge the wise edition to get the smaller and get big ones.Also, do not be a concept, not to be discouraged to be lost a little more.

Rooster Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1957 Suddenly, there may be a damages or lost due to the situation.
1969 If you are not sure that you are watching by the side, confess your courage.
1981 The help of people around me play a great role in achieving what they want.
1993 Condition is not good.I hope that you do not go away or not much around.
2005 Before you turn on yourself, you have to turn yourself first.

Dog (58, 70, 82, 94, 06)


Dog Fortune Summary

Everything is not solved quickly that it is in a hurry.Have time of sufficient tuning prior to starting new things.If you decline a little less than what you think, it will be well solved.

Dog Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1958 Suddenly, there may be a damages or lost due to the situation.
1970 If you are not sure that you are watching by the side, confess your courage.
1982 The help of people around me play a great role in achieving what they want.
1994 Condition is not good.I hope that you do not go away or not much around.
2006 Before you turn on yourself, you have to turn yourself first.

Pig (59, 71, 83, 95, 07)


Pig Fortune Summary

It may be expected to be stable in the economical plane.There will be more than expected things, and it will be a level that there is no impairment to get rid of life.

Pig Year Fortune

Year Fortune
1959 Suddenly, there may be a damages or lost due to the situation.
1971 If you are not sure that you are watching by the side, confess your courage.
1983 The help of people around me play a great role in achieving what they want.
1995 Condition is not good.I hope that you do not go away or not much around.
2007 Before you turn on yourself, you have to turn yourself first.